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Voice your concerns at the open board meeting May 7th, 2019

The Villages of Springhurst Board of Directors (HOA) has been made aware of concerns being made via the unofficial Springhurst Facebook page. As has been discussed at previous community meetings, the HOA does not use Facebook as an official form of communication with residents. The unofficial Facebook page is not monitored by the HOA and CMA has no access to the page whatsoever. The official method of communication is the community website and email blasts when deemed appropriate. The website allows for homeowner feedback to be sent directly to Jessica Goodman at CMA as well as the Board President and Treasurer.


If there are concerns with services being provided, those should be directed to Jessica at CMA either by email at or by phone at 314-720-8754. If you feel your concerns are not being addressed appropriately, you should utilize the homeowner feedback option on the website to notify the HOA directly. Facebook postings are not the appropriate method of having your concerns addressed by Jessica or the HOA.


It is important to the HOA that homeowners can have their voices heard and concerns addressed in an appropriate manner. The semi-annual community meeting was held on April 16th with 8 individuals in attendance. Considering the poor attendance, the HOA is opening the floor from 6:00-7:00 pm at the upcoming meeting on May 7th to homeowners. If you would like to come and speak to the HOA, please reach out to Jessica to coordinate a time slot so we can effectively manage everyone’s time. You must coordinate a time slot if you plan on attending, as we have board business to attend to after 7pm.


Thank you,
Springhurst Board of Directors