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Lawn and Landscaping Update-Dandelion Epidemic

Our neighborhood has become home to fields of dandelions. Something your Board of Directors is not happy about. Last week we contacted Lawn Groomers to voice our concerns letting them know the level of service we expected was not being met currently. Our account manager was quick to respond, and was very concerned. He came out onsite Monday April 29th to look at what we had brought to his attention. He was very disappointed with the carelessness in areas of the condominiums and townhomes, and spoke to his crews about it.

He also saw the outbreak of dandelions and sent photos to his boss regarding the epidemic. He was very apologetic.  Lawn Groomers vowed to get rid of the dandelion outbreak. Lawn Groomers was onsite April 10th and sprayed for dandelions and clover, but with the rain shortly after the spray and the warm weather, the dandelions grew stronger and thus, more powerful.

Lawn Groomers will be out this Wednesday to spray again for dandelions, this is weather permitting. We don’t want the spray washed away by rain. If it does rain, they will come out on the next dry day.

If you are experiencing any problems in the next coming weeks after we spoke with Lawn Groomers regarding our concerns, please contact Jessica with CMA at: 314-720-8754 or send an email marked “Springhurst Landscaping Concerns” to

You can also leave a note for the Board under the “Feedback” box on the homepage.

We thank you for your understanding.
